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Phrakru Udesdhammasadis Achitho (Ruenruai)


This article is intended to be written to provide an understanding of the temple administration of the abbot with its archaeological sites. Maintaining and spreading Buddhism for prosperity and stability to the future generations. The abbot is very important to understand the cooperative management of people and local organizations. With the abbot leading and creating a unified understanding of the temples of important places in Buddhism in particular, important places of worship of the temple are Vihara Buddha images, paintings that contain Buddhist content, Buddhism, history, principles and the way of life of the villagers. It is a historical Buddhist heritage. Including support from the public, private and public sectors to help and support to maintain and maintain the ancient sites Therefore, the administration of any department, including the administration of the monks, must have an important element or resource. And must be the basis for that administration This includes money, material, material and handling of tools and machines as well as authority. Length of work and ease of work in addition, the temple is a center of subjects. Especially the Buddhist art, which has beauty and connotation of Buddhist principles as a result, Buddhist art is an important part of Thai culture. Reflect personality the personality of the Thai people who are polite, peaceful, and cheerful, is a learning medium that creates knowledge, understanding and imagination that positively affect the behavior of people in society to live together happily. It is beneficial to the public and has progressed to change according to the era of the administration of Buddhism along with the study of art and culture, historical period.

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How to Cite
Achitho (Ruenruai), P. U. . (2021). MANAGEMENT OF "BUDDHIST ART" AND SOCIAL CHANGE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 109–122. retrieved from
Academic Article


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