Main Article Content
The joy of work begins with a work of love. Do your best every time you work, work with honesty, transparency, and stable workplace performance. Has progressed There are opportunities for personal development. There are benevolent bosses. Have sincere colleagues Receive adequate welfare and safety at work As well as being healthy The body is strong and does not get sick. Have self-reliance assets Having a position in society, position, status, honor, reputation, recognition, or recognition in society. And have a happy family The introduction of Buddhist principles to strengthen the work to be successful and happy consists of " Four Rddhippada", which is the base for success as follows: 1) Chant is love and interest in what you do. And the responsibility for their duties is to come to work on time on a regular basis. The need to keep caring, loving, always doing that. And desire to make even better results. 2) Persistence is perseverance, diligence, perseverance, assemble it with effort, strength, patience, not give up, develop oneself to have higher performance potential. 3) Chitta Is an idea focused on Be conscious of what you do. And do that with a mind-focused mind, not allowing the mind to be distracted Dedicate, devote ourselves to the things you do steadily. 4) Vimongsa is contemplation, use of wisdom, contemplation, reasoning, detection, flaw detection, planning, measurement, and improvement of self-improvement on a regular basis. In order to be able to resolve the problem.
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