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Chontira Khampiuvpun


          The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the effectiveness and satisfaction of a promoting program on rehabilitation of closed fracture a leg patients with internal fixation surgery, 2) study the satisfaction of a promoting program on rehabilitation of closed fracture a leg patients. It was a quasi - experimental research. The samples were closed fracture a leg patients with internal fixation surgery, no fractures or injuries to other organs and had internal fixation surgery, no injuries of the spinal cord, no muscle disease or leg nerve injury, 15 - 59 years old, had good awareness, which were divided into 2 groups; experimental group and comparison group (using the traditional system), 30 people per group. Research tools were promoting program on rehabilitation of closed fracture a leg patients and questionnaire. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic, Chi - square test, independent t - test and paired sample t - test. The research results found that: this promoting program on rehabilitation of closed fracture a leg patients was education program, practice to promote eating behavior, movement gestures, exercise, Infective prevention, taking medication, and follow up when patients return to home. Which was used to find that patients had improved rehabilitation behavior overall and in the field of eating behavior, movement gestures, exercise, Infective prevention, and taking medication. In addition, better than the rehabilitation care of patients that had been previously in almost every aspect, statistically significant (P - value <0.01), except for taking medication. This promoting program on rehabilitation more satisfaction than the rehabilitation of conventional, statistically significant (P - value <0.001).

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How to Cite
Khampiuvpun, C. (2021). EFFECTIVENESS OF A PROMOTING PROGRAM ON REHABILITATION OF CLOSED FRACTURE A LEG PATIENTS WITH INTERNAL FIXATION SURGERY, KOH SAMUI HOSPITAL. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(5), 263–278. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/252234
Research Articles


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