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Pawida Rungsee


          The purpose of this article is 1) to gather knowledge on fisheries co - management and 2) to study the ways in which fisheries co - management can be applied in real - world communities in Thailand in order to solve the problem of the reduction of aquatic animals. Based on the data collected, the concept of fisheries co - management originates with the government, fishermen, and other related stakeholders who have the awareness of the natural resource issue, and come together to resolve it in an equal partnership. This article presents the communities are fisheries co - management. First community is a conservation of the fishery resource group in sea farming at Songkla province and second community is the aquatic resources management area in Trang province. However, due to the differences in the contexts of various communities, the results of the application of this concept can vary, with some being successful and others not. One reason that leads to the failure of fisheries co - management is the legal issue which is unclear in terms of the allocation of responsibilities between the local government and the state government regarding the development in fisheries. So, the government has to design the law for decentralize fisheries management to local government. This law must consider base on community right. Then the government transfer allocation of responsibilities about natural resources to local government. The local government must support local ordinance from the participation by the people.

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How to Cite
Rungsee, P. (2021). FISHERIES CO - MANAGEMENT IN THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(5), 217–230. retrieved from
Academic Article


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