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Phrathepkhunaporn (Sophon Sophanachitto Phumphuang)


           The mural of the Ubosot of Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn presents the importance of the mural and the beauty. In art aesthetics In the frescoes in the Ubosot, Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn, the meaning, value, significance and principles of the temple must be clearly known. To be clear requires an understanding of the context of the term, its etymology, and its meaning. It is the first basis, otherwise if you do not know, you will not understand the essence of the dharma that is beneficial to the spread of Buddhism in Thai society. By analyzing the values, significance and principles that appear in the murals in the Ubosot of Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn. In order to be absorbed in the beauty of art. aesthetics And principles of science According to the teachings of the Buddha Appeared in the mural of the Ubosot, Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn, which has 1) the image of the goddess Yada 2) the history of the Buddha's mother's favorite episode 3) the decay Suwan Sam Chatok episode 4) A picture of a monk wearing a meditation 10 or considering a corpse. And many more pictures With stories and principles that have been communicated in the murals of the Ubosot of Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn to convey the intent of those who want to convey in order to be fair to all who have viewed the mural of the Ubosot at Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn, if you see the picture, understand the principles And apply it in daily life When you come to see the mural of the Ubosot Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn, you ask that you Found the beauty of the eyes Gain the virtue of principles Have brought life to nirvana yet or not.

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How to Cite
Phrathepkhunaporn (Sophon Sophanachitto Phumphuang). (2021). WALL MURAL ACTIVITY DEVRAJKUNCHORN VARAVIHARN TEMPLE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(5), 58–72. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/252201
Academic Article


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