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Achara Chaigul


           The objectives of this article were to study the nursing care of two case studies with laminectomy for release nerve compression in a comparative study of symptoms and treatment. For effective nursing care planning. By selecting patients with degenerative spondylosis and symptoms of spinal stenosis and reconstructive surgery to release nerve compression. In conjunction with 2 cases of underlying disease and surgical complications, data were collected in accordance with nursing standards for spinal stenosis patients and symptoms of spinal stenosis. The results were analyzed and compare problem and needs, treatment and nursing care of the patients: It was found that both patients with spinal stenosis were different severity, therefore receiving different surgeries. First patient had spinal nerve outlet surgery. Then reinforced with a screw to hold the spine. 2nd patient, in addition to spinal nerve exit channel surgery, the joint was fused by using bone meal inserted in a material (cage) instead of herniated disc to connect the spinal bone in two levels, the surgery was a complicated procedure, making it take longer than the first patient. Therefore, postoperative nursing is different according to the patient's condition. Nurse’s care is an important role in the close care of patients 24 hours a day, from the beginning to the discharge. Preparation before surgery, post - operative care for possible complications at any time. It can reduce the severity of potential complications and improve postoperative recovery and lead to a better level   of quality of life.

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How to Cite
Chaigul, A. (2021). NURSING CARE IN LAMINECTOMY FOR RELEASE NERVES COMPRESSION: 2 CASE STUDIES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 361–374. retrieved from
Research Articles


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