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Pongmanut Deeod
Phramaha Wilaisak Hongsri
Phrakrupalad Surawut Seangmamo


          The purpose of this academic article is to study the policy for employment of elders in Japan, Singapore, the USA, and Thailand because the problem of elderly people is a major concern and should be prompted to support for every country. It can be seen that many countries around the globe are facing the concern of a higher proportion of elderly people due to the continuous reduction in birth rate and low fertility rate compared to the compensation rate. Therefore, all these countries have faced the problem called “returning to the society of elderly people” which widely impacts society, workforce, economy, and demand such as accommodation, transportation, social security, family structure, and the relationship between generations which are the major concern of the society of elderly people that is no workforce to compensate what is lost in the industry. These effects the overall productivity system of the nation. Hence, all these countries have policies and encouragement for all private sections and government sections to activate employment. Employing elderly people does not only enhance the national economic situation or elderly people’s livelihood, but it also protects their poverty and avoids them to exit society which will reduce their quality of life. This study focuses on the policy for employments of elders from overseas which are Japan, Singapore, USA, and compared to Thailand to acknowledge the policy and getting ready for employing elderly people in the future.

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How to Cite
Deeod, P., Hongsri, P. W., & Seangmamo, P. S. (2021). COMPARISON OF ELDERLY PEOPLE EMPLOYMENT POLICY BETWEEN OVERSEAS AND THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 230–243. retrieved from
Academic Article


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