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Supaporn Sitthikosol
Saranthorn Sasithanakornkaew
Warapan Apisupachoke


          The objectives of this research are: 1) To study demographic characteristics Media exposure, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control to use solar cell technology and the intention to use solar cell technology among people in Bangkok. 2) To study the differences in media exposure classified by demographic characteristics 3) To study the influence of media exposure, attitudes, subjective norm and perceived behavior control towards the intention to use solar cell technology among people in Bangkok. This research is the quantitative research method and the sample group are included 400 of people 24 years in Bangkok area. A preliminary analysis base on descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and used t - test, One - Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis to justify hypothesis. Result of the study found that 1) The majority of the population are female 52.75%. Age range are 33 - 41 years 34.25%. Education Bachelor's degree 56.25%. Company employees 58.25%. Average Income 55,001 Baht and Residing in detached house 56.75%. The average media exposure was 3.08 (moderate level), attitudes mean score of 4.25 (strongly agreed level), subjective norm mean score of 3.11 (moderate level), perceived behavior control to use solar cell technology mean score of 3.48 (high level) 2) different demographic characteristics have no different exposure to the media about solar cell technology. 3) Multiple regression analysis found that the main factor affecting decision to use solar cell technology were attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control towards to use solar cell technology was a significant level of 0.05

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How to Cite
Sitthikosol, S., Sasithanakornkaew, S., & Apisupachoke, W. (2021). FACTORS AFFECTING INTENTION TO USE SOLAR CELL TECHNOLOGY AMONG PEOPLE IN BANGKOK THROUGH THE THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR: TPB. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 203–217. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/251645
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