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Anchada Pulthasthan


          The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the principle of Papañcadhamma in light of Abhidhamma, 2) study the state of problems caused by Papañcadhamma and its solution, and 3) propose the integrated Buddhist solution to the problems caused by Papañcadhamma. This is a qualitative research done by studying documents and field research by in - depth interview of six Buddhist scholars and then the analysis and synthesis of its contents were made by descriptive methodology. The research results were found that: 1) according to Abhidhamma, Papañcadhamma belongs to the unwholesome mental properties, which comprises of three mental factors: craving, conceit and wrong view; they are conditioned by one another and thereby causing problems, 2) the states of problem caused by such craving refer to the over - consumption and household debt, the competitiveness for power and the exercise of such power to mercilessly brings about the violence, be it individual or structural violence, the wrong view on such problems, and 3) in the Buddhist integrated formation for solving problems caused by such craving based on E - F - Q Model, it was proposed by this research as follows: 3.1) the problem caused by craving should be solved through the principle of the principle Equilibrium of life, the moderation (Mattaññutã),gain for this life (Diṭṭhadhammikattha), wisdom (Satisampajañña), and precept (Sĩla). Apart from that it should be developed by the process of inspiration and awareness of its advantage and disadvantage, 3.2) what is caused by conceit should be solved through the Buddhist social fraternity, mental and ethical principles, namely, six kinds of conciliation, being amiable in deeds, words, thought, sharing any lawful gain with virtuous fellows, keeping without blemish the rules of conduct along with one’s fellows, and being endowed with right views along with one’s fellows where the realization of the advantage and disadvantage could be actualized, and 3.3) the problems caused by wrong view should be solved through the principle of the Quality of life whereby the awareness and self - realization in accordance with the Buddhist principles based on the building of right view.

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How to Cite
Pulthasthan, A. (2021). PAPAÑCA-DHAMMA : PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS IN INTEGRATED BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 171–190. retrieved from
Research Articles


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