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Phrakhrupalad Prawit Warathummo
Phrakhubaidika Sakdanai Santacitto
Sanya Sodprasert


          Good governance is the administration of the public sector in all respects with just and efficiency. By focusing on the use of a participatory process from all parts of society whether it is the public sector, private people, seriously and continuously so that the country has a strong foundation of democracy having legal justification, stability, and an efficient administrative structure. Transparent and can be examined if the country will have sustainable growth business focus or performing various official duties without paying attention to the matters of society, people and the environment is therefore impossible having good management has become a matter of all sectors to focus on and begin to practice more. Good governance is a trend that every sector, whether it is the government sector. Private sector and the public sector pay attention and apply it in the operations of the organization. With the principles of good governance it consists of 6 principles: rule of law, virtue, transparency, and participation. Responsibility and the value principle In addition, it also makes related third parties faith and confidence in the organization that will lead to continuous development such as a transparent organization. Would gain the trust in doing business a transparent government accountable naturally builds confidence among investors and the public as well as having a positive effect on the stability of the government and the progress of the country. If the public will have the trust of government officials civil servants must be virtuous, compassionate, competent and behave consistently. Public sector executives or high - ranking government officials would reflect the high level of governance of that society or state.

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How to Cite
Warathummo, P. P., Santacitto, P. S., & Sodprasert, S. (2021). THE ACCEPTATION OF GOOD GOVERNANCE PRINCIPLES TO PUBLIC MANAGEMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 35–47. retrieved from
Academic Article


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