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Lalin Saelim
Ponlakrit Sangarwut


          The objectives of this research article were: 1) to the objectives of this research are 1) to study the factors that influence the policy implementation of tourism community lifestyle. 2) to compare the factors that influence the policy implementation of tourism community lifestyle. 3) to study guidelines for develop to factors that influence the policy implementation of tourism community lifestyle. It is mixed method research include the samples uses in quantitative research namely the staff responsible in tourism community of 244 staff by selecting a purposive sampling using questionnaires as a research tool and collected data. The data were then analyze with descriptive statistic. The qualitative research key informant was Surat Thani Provincial of tourism and sports director, head of group strategy and plans Surat Thani Provincial office of tourism and sports, community cooperative group Ban Khao Theppitak, President of tourism community Ban Singkhon and subdistrict headman Ban Thamniap district form 5 persons by purposive sampling using interview as research tool and collected data using analyze content. The research found that 1) Factors that influence the policy implementation of tourism community lifestyle in overall is at a moderate level. By sorting the average value from descending to the following : the attitude of worker, in the media, organization of resources and the government agencies 2) the comparison factors that influence the policy implementation of tourism community lifestyle. Classified by gender and classified by income found that overall not different. Classified by age, occupation and the place of tourist spot level in overall is significantly different at the level of 0.05 3) The guidelines for develop to policy implementation of tourism community lifestyle, there should be a public relations communication through an online database management system. The government agencies should support the budget for sustainable tourism community lifestyle development.

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How to Cite
Saelim, L., & Sangarwut, P. (2021). FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE POLICY IMPLEMENTATION OF TOURISM COMMUNITY LIFESTYLE: CASE STUDY TOURISM COMMUNITY LIFESTYLE SURATTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(3), 234–249. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/251164
Research Articles


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