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Mitree Intria
Tawit Bunthirasmi
jirasuda Plaiyod
Anyamanee Chumanee
Apichat Maharachsena


          The purposes of this research were to; address the question of whether sufficiency economy is a way of managing the community; How can a self - sufficient economy truly benefit as a search for self - sufficiency in the community? The word “self - sufficiency” has a broad meaning. It doesn't just mean there's enough to use, but it means that there's enough to eat. If people are aware of their desire, less greed, less abuse, aware of what to do to suffice, not extreme, not greedy, people will be happy. Sufficiency economic management in the community is a way of implementing or creating a stable and sustainable living for the people. Sufficiency Economy has encouraged people and communities at all levels to adhere to their livelihoods and operations in order to lead to the highest ambitions: the nation and the people to live well. This approach is based on a central line that takes into account the key principles: modesty, rationality, and immunity. The approach of Relying on each person's self - reliance principles in all professions should be on the basis of self - awareness; to be self - aware, to share, to help others according to their strength, Live the middle line, gather and give generously to each other, not to do any harms of themselves and others, no overspending, no overinvestment, and to seek higher potential of themselves. This will result in each person being better and happier. Therefore, managing with the sufficiency economy in the community, there will be generosity between community members to make people happy and strong communities, lives on the basis of self - awareness by communities for communities, societies and nations with self - sufficiency.

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How to Cite
Intria, M., Bunthirasmi, T., Plaiyod, jirasuda, Chumanee, A., & Maharachsena, A. (2021). COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT IN SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(3), 86–98. retrieved from
Academic Article


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