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Natjira Thadakueakunwong
Paradee Anuttanavee
Pongthep Jiraro


          The objectives of this article were to 1) study the current conditions, problems, approaches and needs necessary to develop personnel management for bilingual schools in private institutions in Thailand. 2) develop a model and examine the quality of personnel management model for bilingual schools of private schools in Thailand. 3)assess the feasibility of implementing the development model in personnel management for bilingual schools of private schools in Thailand and 4) to apply the human resource management development model to the bilingual schools of private schools in Thailand. This was a quantitative research study of 354 personnel of bilingual schools that were taught by using the English Program of 171 private schools. The research results were found that Most of the respondents were female. Has a position as a school administrator Head of Human Resources and Teachers Management of bilingual school personnel of private schools. The performance of the bilingual school personnel management status of the private schools in general was found to have a high level of personnel administration. In the development of a model of personnel management components for the private school bilingual schools that are suitable for the development include: policy and method, personnel planning, nomination and appointment, person development, discipline and regulations and termination of work. For the results of the examination of the personnel management component of the private schools in Thailand, it was found that the components of the personnel administration of the private schools bilingual were policy and method, personnel planning, nomination and appointment, person development, discipline and regulations and termination of work.

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How to Cite
Thadakueakunwong, N., Anuttanavee, P., & Jiraro, P. (2021). A PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT MODEL FOR DUAL - LANGUAGE PROGRAM OF PRIVATE SCHOOL. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(2), 368–380. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/250514
Research Articles


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