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Chonthicha Jirapakpong
Phrakhrupariyetwarakron .
Onanong Woowong
Kriengsak Fongkam
Phra Anusorn Kittiwanno


          This study aimed to pass on knowledge and skills in terms of creative quilt artworks to youth and elderlies. The mixed methods research designs were integrated in this study such as documentary research, qualitative and quantitative research, as well as participatory action research. The 5 keys informants used in the interview consisted of presidents and representatives of quilt art group, quilt art traders, community leaders, and local scholars. Additionally, the 10 participants used in focus group discussion were quilt art traders, experts of quilt art design, and officers from Phrae Chamber of Commerce, Provincial Administrative Organization, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Provincial Community Development Office of Phrae, Phrae Provincial Cultural Office, and Phrae Provincial Industry Office. The 60 subjects consisted of quilt art traders, youth, and elderlies were used in data collection processes of action research, to help understand the contexts and participants’ ideas. The keys informants totaling 75 people. The research instruments were in - depth interview and focus group discussion relating to learning enhancement of creative quilt art as well as and quilting short course public training. Data analysis was done using content analysis through the consideration of main issues and dividing those into sub - issues. The results revealed that as knowledge and skills of creative quilt artworks were transmitted to youth and elderlies, they could create creative new products, which presented their local identities and met the customers’ needs. Moreover, the finding indicated that their opinion and attitude’ s level towards creative quilt artworks transmission, before and after the short course public training, was different at statistical significance level of 0.01. Most importantly, passing on knowledge of creative quilt artworks not only enhanced economic and community development, but also made youth in community realize the importance of their local wisdom, leading to sustainable inheritance.

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How to Cite
Jirapakpong, C., ., P., Woowong, O., Fongkam, K., & Kittiwanno, P. A. (2021). CREATIVE QUILT ART LEARNING ENHANCEMENT FOR YOUTH AND ELDERLIES IN LANNA PROVINCES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(2), 198–211. retrieved from
Research Articles


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