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The objectives of this research article were to 1) Study teachers' participation in academic adminstration under udonthani primary educational service Area 3 2) Compare teachers' participation in academic adminstration under udonthani primary educational service Area3 classified qualifications, experience and school size as survey research. The population in the research is teachers' participation in academic adminstration under udonthani primary educational service Area 3 , population of 2,100, a sample of 324 people, determined the sample size using the tables of Krejcie and Morgan. The samples were easily obtained by lottery. according to school size class. A data collection tool is a questionnaire consisting of Part 1. Part 2 Inquire about participation in academic administration, 40 statistics used to analyze percentages Average () and standard deviations (S.D.) test the values independently of each other. One - way variability and double average comparison with Cheffe's methods. The results showed that: 1) Participation in academic management of teachers in schools, under the Udon Thani Primary Education District Office, District 3 overall, has a large average (
= 4.27) when considering the list of areas with the highest average level, the 1st aspect of the development of the school curriculum (
= 4.34) The second is the 2nd aspect of learning process development (
= 4.33) and the side with the lowest average is the 7th aspect guidance (
= 4.20). 2) Comparative results of teachers' participation in academic adminstration under udonthani primary educational service Area 3 , classification, qualifications, experience, and school size, the comparison results showed statistically significant differences.
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