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The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study leadership and organizational culture affecting the quality of work life of teachers of Watlanboon school, Ladkrabang district office, Bangkok: and 2) to compare personal factor of teachers on factors of leadership and organizational culture affecting the quality of work life of teachers of Watlanboon school. The qualitative research by us the questionnaires. Select purposive sampling such as: teachers of Watlanboon school for all 80 persons. Using analyzed with frequency statistics, percentage, average, standard deviation, t - test and F - test tested independent. And assumptions and table layouts. The research found that: 1. leadership and organizational culture affecting the quality of work life of teachers include: 1) the leadership behavior Liberal leaders were the high mean ( = 3.55, S.D. = 0.88), the lowest were transformative leaders (
= 3.49, S.D. = 0.79), 2) the work of culture, the adjustment were the high mean (
= 3.60, S.D. = 0.88), the lowest was participation (
= 3.54, S.D. = 1.00), and 3) the quality of work and life a high level (
= 3.85, S.D. = 0.75) include: 1) Development of competence, 2) reasonable and fair compensation, 3) social integration, 4) work - life balance, 5) hygienic and safe environment, 6) Regulations, 7) Progress and stability, and 8) work in society. And 2. The comparison of factors by personal characteristics were classified by gender, age, education level, income, job position and work experience. The overall picture was not significantly different at the level .05. But in the leadership section of change, exchange leaders and cultures of gender disparities, and liberal leaders differing on monthly income, as well as a different culture of unity in their work experience.
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