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Siranee Imnamkhao
Jeerawan Srichanchai


          This article discusses the role of registered nurses who prevent and protection developmental delays in preschool or early childhood. Which is the role of all stakeholders in taking part in solving problems and promote development. In addition to promoting four component of child development, it is now found that enhancing EF skills (Executive Functions: EF). There are very important. Beyond the role of parents in promoting child development at home. The mentor who cares for children in a child development or early childhood development center. Facility is a challenge for nurses to promote cognitive processes. Stimulate and promoting of the frontal lobe of the brain and connect the other part of the brain to functions for growth and development in preschooler. Relate to thinking management, emotional and acting with Including job priority set goals and take steps to achieve success according to age and development. Preschooler 3 - 6 old age have golden period for executive function promotions; because growth and development, especially the brain with the highest growth. The result in children being a valuable human resource for society. Executive functions are the cognitive abilities needed to control our thoughts, emotions and actions. their impact on a person’s social, emotional and intellectual life, from early childhood to adulthood. Executive functions have 3 group of components 1) Basic group have working memory, inhibitory control and shift cognitive flexibility 2) Self - Control have focus attention, emotional control and self-monitoring and 3) Practice group have initiating plan and organizing and goal directed persistence and resulting in children today be successful in the future and be happy.

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How to Cite
Imnamkhao, S., & Srichanchai, J. (2021). NURSE’S ROLE OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTION PROMOTION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(1), 229–244. retrieved from
Academic Article


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