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Waranipa Krungkaew
Chutima Rugbanglaem
Wilasinee Paewchana
Nisarat Norasing
Nongrat Moplod


          Applying analytical thinking skills with deductive method is a concept that focuses on teachers using Analytical thinking skills processes to help students achieve objective that apply to the context of health services. Learning management for theoretical nursing students to achieve a deeper understanding in the ECG which occurs in both normal and abnormal conditions of the patient before practicing nursing skills in a physical hospital physical mental hospital and in health promoting hospitals at the district level. Electrocardiogram is an important tool used for screening patients with cardiovascular problems. Nurses are important factors who must take care of patients closely at all times. Knowledge and understanding of ECG analysis will help patients to be safe and used in surveillance and monitoring while referring patients between hospitals for more advanced treatment. In facts, If it has any malfunctions occur, will be able to provide timely assistance. Guidelines for learning management of ECG analysis thinking skills for nursing students with the deductive method, 5 steps in process which are: 1) The instructor passes knowledge of theory/principles/rules or conclusions about the nature of the ECG by descriptive method. 2) The instructor allows the learners to apply knowledge, the learned understanding is applied in analytical thinking using a classifying process to distinguish the importance, relationship and principles of ECG from a wide variety of samples. 3) The instructor allows the learners to apply their knowledge and understanding to analytical thinking by using the process of classifying the importance, relationship and principles of ECG in new situations. 4) The instructor allows the students to discuss the learning results that have occurred. 5) Teachers measure and evaluate learners' learning outcomes.

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How to Cite
Krungkaew, W., Rugbanglaem, C., Paewchana, W., Norasing, N., & Moplod, N. (2020). ANALYTICAL THINKING SKILLS IN ELECTROCARDIOGRAM WITH DEDUCTIVE METHOD: THE PROVISION OF NURSING PRACTICUM . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(12), 390–405. retrieved from
Academic Article


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