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Phra Prajen Karootthamo
Phraparad Tanakorn Santamano
Jumngong Wongkong
Udorn Chanthawan


          The subject of “death” is generally found to be less popular and less considered, which may be attributed to the fact that the matter of death is a matter of nonsense. Unlucky and is a matter that brings sadness to those around you. Therefore death is not a matter of mention. People tend to pay more attention and focus on the matter of life. Death is a naturally occurring phenomenon. So according to the teachings of Buddhism. Suicide, either because of wanting to escape the pain. Or because it is considered to have the right to life Therefore, it should not be done in all cases.

          Concept of the right to die according to Buddhism Humans have the right to die. Because Buddhism saw that it is also a person who loves and takes responsibility for himself more than anyone else. However, this right does not apply to all suicides and euthanasia. Suicide that asks others to do it. And direct euthanasia it is something that cannot be done because it is an act that violates the rights of others. Only the self - imposed suicide and voluntary indirect euthanasia. Only classified as a right that can be done the concept of the right to die under the Buddhist concept is close to the liberal idea incidentally, this concept of the right to die in Buddhism it's just a concept that confirms the power of the doer Which is not related to the issue of death, good or bad according to the principles of Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Karootthamo, P. P., Santamano, . P. T., Wongkong, J., & Chanthawan, U. (2020). CONCEPT OF THE RIGHT TO DIE ACCORDING TO BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(12), 363–375. retrieved from
Academic Article


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