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Phairas Tubtim


Environmental problem is a serious issue which has a significant and global concerned parallel with the development of the industry. There must be effective environmental management system. In terms of the industry sector, there is an economic structure that brings prosperity and an abundance of natural resources to each country. Similarly, the environment is also an essential factor for national sustainable development. Sustainable development means the development which takes into account to preserve the damage to the environment, such as preventing environmental problems or making it at minimal level. Sustainable development must be balanced with the environment which is in the process of a manner of being maintained in order to return to normal or close to the original. Sustainable development has three elements which are         1) conserving biodiversity, 2) developing a path for industrial economy's system consistency, and 3) building a quality of life such as well - being, good food, a good environment without pollution. Environmentally friendly industrial development must be developed parallel with the sustainable environmental administration which efficiently responses to the industrial economy, changing system with the goal of increasing environmentally friendly industries. Likewise, there is the creation of consciousness and values in development, restoration and conservation in order to raise awareness of environmental protection and promote collaboration between all departments. Therefore, all departments should be involved in sustainable environmental management and must work together to formulate measures to maintain the quality and control of pollution caused by industrial sectors. Because industrial pollution can seriously affect people's lives, hence a framework for developing cooperation in sustainable environmental management is highly recommended.

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How to Cite
Tubtim , P. (2020). STRATEGIES FOR COLLABORATION IN SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(12), 451–464. retrieved from
Academic Article


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