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Phornpen Fuangfoo
Narumon Changsri


          This research was aim to study students’ mathematical flexibility thinking in mathematics classroom using lesson study and open approach. This qualitative research made use of protocol analysis and analytic description. Target group was Grade 5 students in the academic year 2019. The Lesson study team consists of one graduate students, one inservice teacher, and the researcher as a teacher. This team have applied Lesson Study and Open Approach based on Maitree Inprasitha concepts in classroom since target group study in grade 4 to provide a new mathematics classroom. The empirical data analyzed in this research consisted Lesson plans for unit area, Protocols of students’ doing activity in the classroom, student works, field note and Record reflecting of Lesson study team. The Imai’s framework was used to Interpreting students’ mathematical flexibility thinking. The study found that Target students have more mathematical flexibility thinking. The analysis start form Collaborative Plan: the team creating a lesson plan and predicting student ideas. Collaborative Do: Found mathematical flexibility ideas 7 concepts of Area, such as direct comparison of space, Square grid construction, area transformation, use of the rectangular area formula, find the area by addition, find the area by multiplication, use the width or length. Collaborative See: Found that students were able to achieve their goals. student’s mathematical flexibility thinking in the beginning had not many ideas, but after one academic year of innovation they found that students had more various solutions. Some activities were not anticipated by the lesson study team. This team learns the concepts that come up with each plan

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How to Cite
Fuangfoo, P. ., & Changsri, N. . (2020). STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL FLEXIBILITY THINKING IN MATHEMATICS CLASSROOM USING LESSON STUDY AND OPEN APPROACH. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(12), 41–56. retrieved from
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