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The objectives of this research was to study the relationship between self - esteem and quality of life of the elderly with chronic non - communicable diseases: NCDs. The samples consisted of 517 elderly aged 60 years and over with NCDs (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular, Cholesterol), which calculated using G* power program and using multistage sampling. The research instruments were 1) the self - esteem scale that developed by researcher from the concept of Rosenberg Self - Esteem scale and 2) quality of life assessment that developed by researcher from the concept of quality of life of the World Health Organization and WHOQOL - OLD questionnaire. The content validity of research instruments were .82 and .80, reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient were 0.71 and .88 respectively. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results revealed that 1) the overall self - esteem of the elderly with NCDs was high ( = 3.10, S.D. = .41) 2) the overall quality of life of the elderly was at a good level (
= 109.58, SD = 9.38) and 3) self - esteem had a moderately positive correlation with overall quality of life (r = .549) at .01 level, self - esteem had a low - moderate positive correlation with quality of life on each aspect (r = .414 - .649) at .01 level, but self - esteem had a few negative correlation with quality of life in the face of death (r = .281) at .01 level and had no relationship with physical quality of life.
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