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Aphichai Praisin
Asada Wannakayont
Lalintip Ruangreung


          The purpose of this research article were to design and assess the quality in house design based on universal design concept by interviewing about a satisfaction on universal design for the elderly and people with mobility disabilities. The sample group used in this research was 15 people (received by a purposive sampling) who live in Surin Municipality, Surin province. Research instruments used in this study were a quality assessment form and a satisfaction interviewing form. Then, the research team have designed house for the elderly and people with mobility disabilities based on the concept of universal design and built - up the 3 dimensions architectural model. After that, the house plan and architectural 3 - D model have been sent to architecture specialists for quality assessment. Finally, the sample group included, the elderly, people with mobility disabilities, relatives, and caregivers, were interviewed about a satisfaction on a universal house design and all of data were analyzed by descriptive statistical method such as; percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study found that: 1) According to the universal design of house, house design can be used equally, size and space of house are designed appropriately and can be able to adjust when there is a fault utilization. The house design is easy to understand and requires little effort. 2) Due to a quality assessment made by specialists, the study showed that the overall quality of house design is at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.93, S.D. = 0.25). 3) In term of a satisfaction of the designed accommodation, the study revealed that the overall satisfaction on the designed accommodation is at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.59, S.D. = 0.49).

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How to Cite
Praisin, A., Wannakayont, A., & Ruangreung, L. (2020). HOUSE DESIGN FOR ELDERLY AND MOBILITY DISABLE BASED ON UNIVERSAL DESIGN CONCEPT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(11), 298–313. retrieved from
Research Articles


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