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Nimeth Prompayat


          This article of this study were: 1) Study the problem of legal measures to remedy compensate for crime victims. 2) Study legal measures of foreign countries and Thailand to remedy compensate for crime victims. 3) Analyze laws related to legal measures to remedy compensate for crime victims. And 4) Propose amendments to laws related to legal measures to remedy compensate for crime victims. This research was a qualitative research use study of documents and in - depth interviews. The research results found that: 1) Problems with legal measures such as: 1.1) Paying for the injured person's medical expenses, 1.2) compensate payment in case the victim in a criminal case dies, 1.3) determination of the defendant's right to compensate, 1.4) payment of medical expenses for the defendant, 1.5) compensate in the event of the death of the defendant as a result, and 1.6) exercise of recourse against the offender. 2) legal measures such as: 2.1) International legal measures, 2.2) Foreign legal measures, and 3) Legal measures of Thailand. 3) Analyze legal measures such as: 3.1) remedy compensate to victims on international law of foreign countries and Thailand, 3.2) guidelines to victims compensate in criminal by the state, 3.3) victims compensate in criminal by the state, and 3.4) mechanism to victims compensate in criminal by the state. And 4) Guide lines for solving legal measures such as: amendments to the Ministerial Regulations Establish rules, procedures, clause 3, 4, 6, 7 should increase compensation and damages in all cases, The Injury Compensation and Compensation Act, Section 20 (2) should pay compensation for the defendant and Section 27/1 the state should exercise the right of recourse from the offender.

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How to Cite
Prompayat, N. (2020). LEGAL MEASURES TO REMEDY COMPENSATE FOR CRIME VICTIMS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(11), 217–234. retrieved from
Research Articles


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