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Chernin Tangpathomwong
Siranee Imnamkhao
Sujima Tilkarayasurp


          Nurse’s role for stimuli control that cause exacerbation of asthma attract in children. It is an important role and the home’s environment management is one of the management to be performed for asthmatic children. Because if environment management is not suitable it should be non effectiveness of disease control. Preschoolers with asthma take time of their lives indoors. The research have shown that the number and type of triggers in the home is greater than outside. If a child with asthma is exposed to triggers on a regular basis, it will cause frequent attacks of asthma attacks , disease control is not as effective as it should be Therefore, it is imperative that the home environment, which is a key role caregiver by the responsible parent, is necessary to always care with medication. So that children with asthma can control the disease and still maintain the disease control level to the control level. The management of each type of stimulus in the home is different and in many ways depending on the home context. The role of nurses in encouraging parents, who are primarily responsible for the care of pre - school children is challenging. Creating family involvement as co - administrators in pre - school disease control nursing planning. The objective of this article is to review knowledge about the home environment for asthmatic children control. Using the concept role of nursing in home environmental management for asthma in preschool children. This will be useful for planning care. Provide advice for families and follow up on actions to help control relapse effectively.

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How to Cite
Tangpathomwong, C., Imnamkhao, S., & Tilkarayasurp, S. (2020). HOME’S ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT FOR ASTHMA ATTRACT IN PRESCHOOLER: THE CHALLENGING NURSE’ ROLE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(10), 71–84. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/247519
Academic Article


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