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Worakan Sokhano
Kanokkarn Kittichartchaowalit
Phananoi Rotchu


          The purposes of this research were to create efficiency of phonics practical books to be effective and to compare the achievement in English vocabulary learning before and after using phonics practical books for primary II students. The participants were 20 primary II students in second semester of 2019 academic year at Chumchonwatthasutharam School selected by simple random sampling. The duration of the experiment was eighteen hour that the students studied the six phonics practical books. The research instruments consisted of 1) phonics practical books for developing English vocabulary learning consisted of 6 phonics practical books with content validity index of 0.95 2) lesson plan for English vocabulary learning consisted of eighteen lesson plans with content validity index of 0.90 3) English vocabulary learning achievement test with reliability index of 0.87, discrimination index of 0.33, and difficulty index of 0.59 4) the criteria of English vocabulary learning achievement. The data were statistically analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, the efficiency of the phonics practical books, consistency index, discrimination, reliability and t-test for dependent. The results of the research showed that 1) the phonics practical books to developing English vocabulary learning for Primary II students by the researcher was at 84.29/82.50 2) achievement in English vocabulary learning before and after using the Phonics practical book for Primary II students were significantly higher than before learning at .05.

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How to Cite
Sokhano, W., Kittichartchaowalit, K., & Rotchu, P. (2020). EFFECTS OF USING PHONICS PRACTICAL BOOKS TO DEVELOP ENGLISH VOCABULARY LEARNING FOR PRIMARY II STUDENTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 236–249. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/246739
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