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Niwat Rungsoi
Peerapong Woraphatthirakul
Wasana Rungsoi


          The objectives of the research article were: 1) to study guidelines for solving public transportation services of Department of Land Transport. 2) to study the arrangement of public taxi services of Department of Land Transport and 3) to study the elements that are a problem in organizing public taxi systems of the department of land transport. The study was qualitative research and collect data from in-depth interview of twenty-five that included officers of the Department of Land Transport, taxi entrepreneurs, taxi drivers and customers. The instrument for this research was interview. Data statistics was Analytic Induction. The results of the research were as follows; 1) The guidelines for solving public transportation services of Department of Land Transport by improving the behavior of drivers in the use of speed and impolite driving characteristics to make passengers feel safer while traveling, on the guidelines for controlling the public passenger taxi system, coordination of the Department of Land Transport, subject to complaints of people using public taxis and using media to solve problems.  2) The systematization of public taxi service by Department of Land Transport, currently, there are no specific organizations that seriously control, law relate or system suitable for taxi crime prevention are not appropriate. And official does not use the rules strictly, which is a way for criminals to commit crimes too easily. 3) Element that is problems in the system of public taxis of the Department of Land Transport. There are 10 ways such as hotline 1584, documents or E-mail, website accepting complaints Through the Government Contact center, etc.

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How to Cite
Rungsoi, N., Woraphatthirakul, P., & Rungsoi, W. (2020). GUIDELINES FOR SOLVING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND TRANSPORT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 163–174. retrieved from
Research Articles


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