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Wuttikrai On-ay
Chalong Chatruprachewin


          The article of this research were to analyze demand and ideas of learning management promotion of private school teachers in Phitsanulok province. In this study, we divided into 2 phases. The first phase was to survey needs in order to encourage learning management of private school teachers in Phitsanulok province. The private school teachers in Phitsanulok province were the subjects which were stratified random selection and consisted of 248 persons, and the instrument used for data collection was a rating scale questionnaire with 5 levels. Statistics used in data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The second phase was guidelines for improving learning management of private school teachers, and the data provider consisted of 5 specialists. On the other hands, the tools used in the second phase were structured interview forms, and data was analyzed by content analysis. The finding of this research revealed that: 1) For inspiration to learning management enhancement of private school teachers in Phitsanulok province, the overall view was at the high level; in addition, all 6 components of the demand for increasing learning management of private school teachers in Phitsanulok Province was at the same high level. The average amounts of the elements of the demand for learning management inspiration from high to less amounts were system management of learning administration; the instructor development in learning management; the network building of parents and community participation; supervision of learning management; media, materials, and technology supported learning contribution; and measurement and evaluation of learning, respectively. 2) The actions to strengthen for learning management of private school teachers in Phitsanulok province were composed of 6 parts which consisted of 18 ways.

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How to Cite
On-ay, W., & Chatruprachewin, C. (2020). NEEDS AND GUIDELINES TO LEARNING MANAGEMENT OF PRIVATE SCHOOL TEACHERS IN PHISANULOK. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 126–137. retrieved from
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