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Phra Anusorn Kittiwanno
Phramaha Sittichai jayasitdi
Aphicha Sukjeen


          Education is the important basis of human and nation development in the global society. Humans have to adapt themselves to the modern times. Therefore, education policies in the 21st century, determined by government, are focused on developing humans to have many special skills and abilities as well as be able to adapt themselves to future changes.

          In late 2019, COVID – 19 was already spreading in Thailand. This new infectious disease outbreak affected globally people lives. So, they have to adapt themselves to the New Normal society, in which they live differently from the past under social changes. Additionally, this outbreak has affected the whole social structure such as economics and especially, education, in which the strategies and plans have to be created by the Ministry of Education to facilitate learning systems in this crisis. While there are different various questions from societies relating to the stability of technological system, teacher’s readiness, as well as the efficiency of created plans and strategies towards students’ learning achievement. The majority of them considers the new learning method an increase of family expense such as Internet, desktop, or even smartphone. Since kinds of new technologies provide both advantages and disadvantages to humans, students and teachers have to take into consideration. Therefore, during global emergencies, parents should control their children when they are attending online classes. Applying Buddhist teachings in educational enhancement is considered an important factor of improving learners’ sustainable problem – solving skill as well as the ability to understand and learn well.

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How to Cite
Kittiwanno, P. A., Sittichai jayasitdi, P., & Sukjeen, A. (2020). NEW NORMAL: EDUCATIONAL ADAPTATION THROUGH BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 56–70. retrieved from
Academic Article


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