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Phra Watchara Tewasirinako (Lakaluk)


          This article wants to point out the role of monks in the educational management of the Sunday Buddhist Studies Center. The author studied from the teaching of the monks in the Sunday Buddhist Studies Center, where education is considered an important principle in driving education. By using related process skills There are 4 processes of relationship building, which are 1) between the instructor and the student, 2) the student and the student, 3) the student and the environment, 4) the teacher and the environment. Which if all 4 good interactions occur Would lead to good and effective learning for the learners, as well as the monks who teach the principles or the content of the teaching to the full extent Therefore, learning management that has all four components is an important part in building and enhancing student achievement. By beginning with the teaching and learning planning Course management Start teaching and learning management Evaluation of teaching and learning and evaluation of student learning After teaching and learning for further development and improvement. Therefore, Sunday Buddhism Education Center Regarded as a place Which strengthens the power of the mind (houses, temples, schools) to strengthen, with the temple as the center of education with a monk to help train Teach all young people to have knowledge. Understanding of Buddhism Buddhist duty or even knowledge in various matters that have been taught and taught Therefore it is absolutely necessary to have a management Correct learning There is a learning plan. There is measurement and evaluation of learners. And academic achievement of learners improved Therefore be able to show that the role of monks in the provision of education Truly successful.

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How to Cite
Tewasirinako (Lakaluk), P. W. (2020). THE ROLES OF BUDDHIST MONKS IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF SUNDAY BUDDHISM EDUCATIONAL CENTER. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 30–39. retrieved from
Academic Article


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