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Naovarat Singsanun
Julaluck Nilati


          Satir model is a psychological approach to help both the therapist and the patient develop themselves and understand the truth of being a human. Satir model main concept is based on the belief that the mental problems of various people are caused by not understanding the nature of one’s own and incorrect learning in the past. Therefore Satir model focuses on helping people to learn about their potential and develop themselves to their full potential, with three Therapeutic beliefs consists of belief about human, adaptation, and change. Group therapy will integrates the Satir model concept into the group process. The group process helps to create relationships among members within the group. This will make curative factors occur much faster than individual therapies. The process of group therapy has 3 stages, namely the initiating phase, working phase, and terminal phase. Starting with initiating phase the group will proceed after the therapist has prepared in all aspects. Especially the preparation of oneself to be congruence. Main point is to creation of relationships and service agreements. In working phase, nursing students will explore the problem, impact on oneself, creating goal, creating determination and changes. When students become aware of changes in themselves, the group will advance to the final phase. The terminal phase focus on the change and giving homework. Satir model works within the mind of individual. It use group process as a medium for students to analyze and develop themselves. Students will be able to use skills that acquired while doing a group to continue developing themselves and form a coping stance with congruence permanently.

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How to Cite
Singsanun, N., & Nilati, J. (2020). APPLYING THE SATIR MODEL TO PRACTICE IN MENTAL HEALTH CARE OF NURSING STUDENTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 16–29. retrieved from
Academic Article


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