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Sukanya Phuhiengkaew
Suttiwan Tuntirojanawong
Sajee Jiraro


          The purpose of this research was to 1) study the roles of administrators in promoting the use of learning resources for learner development 2)studying                       the promotion of using learning resources for learner development 3) studying the relationship between roles Of administrators and promoting the use of learning resources for learner development, and 4) studying the roles of administrators affecting the promotion of using learning resources for development The students of a municipal school in Phuket. It is a correlation research. The scope of content 1) roles of administrators, 1.1) planning for the use of learning resources,        1.2) being facilitators,  1.3) coordination, 1.4) teacher and personnel development, 1.5) evaluation of the use of learning resources, and 2 ) Promotion of the use of learning resources to develop learners 2.1) Searching for learning resources 2.2) Learning resources management to facilitate learning 2.3) Learning resources development 2.4) Developing activities that promote the use of learning resources Know 2.5) Development of information technology systems, learning resources The key informants are 266 school teachers. The results of the research revealed that 1) The roles of administrators affecting the use of learning resources were at the high level in all aspects, the teacher and personnel development had the highest mean value. 2) The promotion of the use of learning resources is at the high level in all aspects. Regarding the development of activities that promoted the use of learning resources the highest mean. 3) The relationship between the roles of administrators and the promotion of the use of learning resources to develop the learners found that the roles of administrators have a positive relationship with the promotion of use Learning sources 4) The role of administrators effecting the promotion of the use of learning resources to develop learners, it is found that the evaluation of the use of learning sources And planning to use learning resources Affecting the promotion of the use of learning resources to develop learners of schools under the municipality of Phuket province. With statistical significance at the level of 0.01

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How to Cite
Phuhiengkaew, S. . ., Tuntirojanawong, S. ., & Jiraro , S. . (2020). ROLE OF ADMINISTRATOR AFFECTING THE LEARNING RESOURCE UTILIZATION OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOLS UNDER PHUKET CITY MUNICIPALITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(8), 257–268. retrieved from
Research Articles


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