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Phrakhrusangkharak Thawee Abhayo


This article is an academic article aimed at presenting important content of Buddhist psychology for marginalized people to develop their physical, mental, intellectual, and social development under the 5 principles, namely Dhamma Dhammikattharapol, Physical Education Principles. 5 principles of the Sappurisadhamma, the 7 principles of Pariyasitti, 4 and the Makha have                    8 elements to improve the lives of marginalized groups. In living under the mainstream society In which these groups have problems in their lives Physical, mental, intellectual, and social problems therefore have to apply Buddhist psychology to improve the quality of life because the study analyzes the mind that is related to suffering (problem) which is the true state of life. Understand the causes of suffering (problems) Understand the real purpose of life is Niroth (cessation of suffering, end problems). Know how to practice to face problems without being forced from suffering (problems) without discouragement, hopelessness to fight and face. Suffering (problems) firmly in accordance with the Buddhist principles The introduction of Buddhist psychology to remedy the mind for marginalized people is a mental therapy. Due to that marginalization Causing people or groups that are not interested in society Were abandoned, separated from the mainstream society, such as hill tribes, minorities, prostitutes Samesex groups or people with disabilities. In addition, marginalized people include those who are rejected by most societies, such as in the classroom. But classmates are almost all good at studying. Therefore it is essential that these principles be developed to bring happiness and perfection into life

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How to Cite
Abhayo, P. T. . (2020). BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY FOR MARGINALIZED PEOPLE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(8), 15–29. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/246248
Academic Article


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