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Naritinth Jungsaman
Nikom Lonkuntod
Surachet Wongchaipatoom
Suchard Doomnin


          The Development Application for Tourism Industry in Surin Province, By using tools for creating applications which are 1) Rational Rose 7.0.0 2) Workbench 8.0.19 3) Navicat premium 15 4) Android studio – 3.1.0 5) Android version 7.1.1 6) Android emulator 7) proguard 6.2.2 8) Gradle Plugin –3.0.3 9) JDK Java Platform SE 13.02 10) Smarphone 11) Sublime Text Editor Tool version – 3.1.1. geography By creating 8 applications which are 1) tourist attractions Organized into categories such as cultural attractions Natural attractions Tourist attractions, communities, etc. 2)Accommodation has accommodation or hotel information, offering hotels and accommodations in various tourist areas 3) Restaurants with restaurant information Is a general restaurant and local restaurant that is popular with the general public. 4) Surin province information Have a history and general information of Surin Province 5) Entertainment sources There are information of entertainment sources or Night time attractions 6) Call emergency There are important telephone numbers, such as police station numbers. Hospital number, Rescue number 7) Event calendar There is an event calendar of Surin and 8) Travel trips There is information for planning travel using maps from Google Map. The development of the said application Is 100% efficient, and from 5 experts, it is found that the application works with 96% efficiency. In addition, users are satisfied with the tourism industry application in Surin, in all 4 aspects. At the highest level is the application's functionality. Modernity of the application The graphics side of the application And the facility of the application And respond to the use of tourists as well.

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How to Cite
Jungsaman, N., Lonkuntod, N., Wongchaipatoom, S., & Doomnin, S. (2020). DEVELOPING APPLICATION FOR TOURISM INDUSTRY OF SURIN PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(7), 410–424. retrieved from
Research Articles


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