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This research objectives for the effective of a reflection learning model on self-awareness in nursing students were 1) to compare the level of self - awareness of nursing students before and after learning with the reflection teaching model 2) to study the reflection of self-awareness. The population were 90 of 2nd year nursing students, academic year 2019 and studying health counseling. Research instrument were consist of 1) reflection learning model 2) The self-awareness assessment and 3) the questions for reflection that used Gibbs reflection concept. Data were collected by organizing according to the learning model in the 2nd semester of the academic year 2019. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and content analysis
The results showed that: 1) The mean of self - awareness before and after using reflection learning model were high level (µ = 4.13, = .29; µ = 4.27,
= .30 respectively); the mean of self - awareness after using the reflection Learning Model was higher than before using the reflection Learning Model (the Mean difference = 0.14) and 2) the results reflecting on self - awareness were found that nursing students were able to develop self-awareness about being aware of the various roles of counseling, development of positive thinking and feelings about oneself, being aware of one's own strengths, being aware of one's weaknesses, and ways of self – development.
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วิเชียร เกตุสิงห์. (2538). ค่าเฉลี่ยและการแปลความหมาย. ข่าวสารวิจัยทางการศึกษา, 18 (3), 8 -11.
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