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Sunyaluck Lorprakhon
Tharinthorn Namwan


           This research aims to 1) study the problem conditions of conflicts in school under the office of Buriram primary educational service area 2. 2) To develop guidelines of conflict in school under the office of Buriram primary educational service area 2. Phase 1. Study the problem conditions of conflicts in school. Sample group is that school administrators, vice – director, acting for school principal, teacher and personnel of 357 people using the method of comparing the total population based on the sample size table of Taro Yamane and stratified sampling. The instrument was 5 – scale rating questionnaires. Phase2. Development guidelines of conflict in school under the office of Buriram primary educational service area 2. The group of information providers in the study guidelines was school administrators with an excellent performance 3 people. The group that gave information in evaluating the guidelines was school administrators, teachers and educational supervisor for 5 people which is obtained by purposive sampling. The instruments research used were interview form and appropriateness and feasibility assessment form. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

          The results of the study were as follows: 1)Results of study the problem conditions of conflicts management methods in school. Found that conflicting problem in the school of school administrators, teacher and personnel. Overall, there is a low average. When consider each aspect, found that organizational conflict and intergroup conflict at a medium level. Intragroup conflict and intrapersonal conflict at a minimum level and interpersonal conflict at the least level. The aspects in the descending order of average were: 1.1)organizational conflict, 1.2)intergroup conflict, 1.3) Intrapersonal conflict, 1.4) intragroup conflict and interpersonal conflict 2) Result of the conflict management guidelines in school. These findings indicate that overall, it is appropriate is at most level and possibilities is at much.

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How to Cite
Lorprakhon, S., & Namwan, T. (2020). THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES OF CONFLICT IN SCHOOL UNDER THE OFFICE OF BURIRAM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA 2. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(7), 144–156. retrieved from
Research Articles


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