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Choochat Koothanawanichphong


          This Cross – sectional Study aimed to describe the factors related and the level of Health Literacy (HL) of new cases with lung tuberculosis and to explain the relation of health literacy and the factors related included age, status, education level, occupation, and diabetes mellitus of tuberculosis. patients in the Intensive Treatment Stage. The participants consisted of 113 pulmonary tuberculosis patients living in the stage of Intensive Treatment at Songphinong district, Suphanburi province. Those had been a computerized simple random sampling and data collection using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi – square.

          Findings showed that: pulmonary Tuberculosis patients treated with the Intensive Treatment Stage had a low level of health literacy. They were a poor health literacy group that could not have good health behaviours. The participants could not able to access to care service, understand the health care information, be confident in asking some questions regarding health problems to health care providers, be interested in their health behaviours, and plan for modifying their behaviours. The relations of those demographics presented that correlated significantly with health literacy at .05. Therefore, health care providers should enhance health knowledge and literacy for these participants. Especially, older persons should be provided effective tuberculosis information with good and easy designs, large and clear font, and used general words to clear understanding.

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How to Cite
Koothanawanichphong, C. (2020). FACTOR ASSOCIATED TO PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS AMONG NEW CASES SONGPHINONG DISTRICT, SUPHANBURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(6), 244–256. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/244543
Research Articles


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