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Thunpitcha Toumtab
Yokkaew Kamolvoradej
Sukunya Rujimethabhas


          The purposes of this research were to study the causes of dropout of group students risk and guidelines for the prevention of dropout of group students risk case education: Uttaradit Technical College. The sample group used in the research. the first stage consisted of 272 is administrators, the head of teacher counselor, advisors, teachers, parents and group risk students, were included by Sample Random Sampling. the second stage consisted of 13 is administrators, the head of teacher counselor, the head of curriculum and instruction, advisors, and teachers of Vocational Education Commission and educational psychologist, were included by Purposive Sampling. Research tools include questionnaire and interview. Data were analyzed by average, standard deviation and content analysis.

                The results showed: The causes of dropout of group students risk, all 6 sides follows: 1) Lack of participation in activities and lack of school until the end of the exam eligibility. 2) Insufficient family income, students have to help parents work. 3) Rules of institute be disciplinary. 4) Following, help, consulting and little student visits. 5) Mingling places which is near the institute, enable students easily make a mistake. 6) The department has resources such as tools, machinery for training and insufficient teaching medias. And, The results of the study of guidelines for preventing dropout of group students risk, all 6 sides follows: 1) The institute should take care the students seriously and there should be clear measures for actiuities. 2) The institute should supply scholarships. 3) Institute should create the understanding and the importance for admiring the social rules between students and parents. 4) They should follow students by using argument to solve problem and contact their parents by using technology such as line, facebook. 5) There should create a parent system to help with the institute. 6) Institute is to promote the teachers for creating innovations or teaching medias for using in teacher course.

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How to Cite
Toumtab, T., Kamolvoradej, Y., & Rujimethabhas, S. (2020). GUIDELINES FOR THE PREVENTION OF DROPOUT OF GROUP STUDENTS RISK CASE EDUCATION: UTTARADIT TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(6), 60–76. retrieved from
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