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Phrakru Prasutbodhikun (Jipanu Suwannarong)


 This academic article was to aim at doubtfully answering how to the ordination which is the ceremony will be the authentic benefits. It was to search for the essentials from the ordination ceremony. The ordination is to give the faithful persons in Buddhism to entry into developing one’s own life quality based on the change from the laity status becoming into the monkhood that resulted to their transformation of duties in regard to conduct in the five qualities which should be established in newly ordained monks consisting of 1) restraint in accordance with the monastic code of discipline and the fundamental training – rules, 2) restraint of the senses, 3) restraint as regards talking, 4) seclusion as to the body, and 5) cultivation of right views. These are to incubate their habits to be discreetly, bleak, to think critically for decision, to understand the essentials in the 6 doctrines of appreciative action consisting of 1) reverence for the Master, 2) reverence for the Dhamma, 3) reverence for the Order, 4) reverence for the Training, 5) reverence for the earnestness, and 6) reverence for the hospitality. The essential of ordination is a path of one who is grateful and repays the done favour like parents and others, also is to be refined the new monk becoming one who is right views to establish morally one’s own way of life with training physically, verbally and mentally to be strong, stable, happy and to realize things as they really are based upon the principle of Threefold Training or Trisikkha consisting of Sila morality, Samadhi concentration and Panya wisdom. All of them are to cultivate the leadership leading to develop the personal, family, social and national levels.

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How to Cite
(Jipanu Suwannarong), P. P. (2020). ESSENTIALS APPEARED AT THE ORDINATION CEREMONY IN BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(6), 1–16. retrieved from
Academic Article


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