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Sophon Buachan
Phrapalad Nikhom punyavachiro
Phrakhru Pariyatthamrongklun .
Phrapalad Sunya chupradits .


Progress report on to study the peaceful communication process of religious leaders for Promotion of Peaceful Society. To study the media production and network of religious leaders for Promotion of Peaceful Society. To analyze the religions leaders’ communication process for promotion of peaceful society by Qualitative Research Interview with interviewing of professional Including leaders of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, 15 persons from brainstorming the purposive sampling by research team. Data have been gathered by In-depth interviewing and analyzed by using methods of analysis, synthesis and interpretation. Finally presented by descriptive methods.

          The results of research 1) “The Religions Leaders’ Communication Process for Promotion of Peaceful Society” presents communication process for peaceful society with speaking (Mouth-sound), communication process for peaceful society with writing (Alphabet-Letters) And communication process for peaceful society with symbol (Nonverbal - picture/clip) 2) To provide network of Buddhism leaders with “Sangha Act” and Christian and Islamic leaders with building houses depend on the church or mosque directly where they rely on the Bureau of Catholic Miss San Surat. or the Central Islamic Committee. 3) To analyze the religions leaders’ communication process for promotion of peaceful society. Religious leaders communicated speaking, writing, and symbols based on fundamental humanitarian principle consists of five factors; life, property, family, society and health to promote peaceful society. 4) Knowledge obtained from research “The Religions Leaders’ Communication Process for Promotion of Peaceful Society are CPRL MODEL means C = Communication, P = Peace, R = Religion, L = Leader

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How to Cite
Buachan, S. ., punyavachiro, P. N. ., ., P. P., & ., . P. S. chupradits. (2020). THE COMMUNICATION OF RELIGIONS LEADERS TO BUILD PEACE IN SURATTHANI. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(3), 95–109. retrieved from
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