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Chanthima Chuaichum
Arunrat Yotinwattanabumrung
Yupin Muentip
Nannapat Saramas
Mananchaya Jittarat


          The purposes of this descriptive study were to study stress level and factors influencing stress of nursing students during clinical practice in adult nursing practicum 1. The sample consisted of 64 nursing students in 2nd year in the academic year of 2019 in Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nakhon Si Thammarat who had tacking clinical practice in adult nursing practicum 1. The instruments were questionnaires regarding demographic, the nursing students, opinion about preparation for clinical practice, environment of clinical setting and preceptor, and the stress scale of nursing students during clinical practice. All questionnaires were test for content validity and reliability with Cronbach, s Alpha Coefficients which were .84, .74, .82, and .89 respectively. Statistical methods of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson, s Product Moment correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression.

          In the research, it was found that: 1) Most of the nursing students (56.26%) showed high upward stress level. 2) Nursing student expressed the opinion that preceptor and preparation for clinical practice were at the high level but environment of clinical setting was at the moderate level. 3) The co-factor predicted patient and preceptor-assignment were statistical significant with stress of nursing students during clinical practice in adult nursing practicum 1 (p <.05). These predictor accounted for 17.3% (R2 = .173).

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How to Cite
Chuaichum, C. ., Yotinwattanabumrung, A. ., Muentip, Y. ., Saramas, N., & Jittarat, M. (2020). FACTORS INFLUENCING STRESS OF NURSING STUDENTS DURING CLINICAL PRACTICE IN ADULT NURSING PRACTICUM 1. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(5), 293–308. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/243405
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