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Jinda Lapho


This article aimed to reflect the importance of theteachingbehaviors of teachers towards the learning of students. Even though the teaching and learning management had been implemented systematically with various methods and approaches for many decades, the students’ learning achievements were still unable to meet the needs of society desiring for the outcomes to be good and talented. Therefore, the teachers had to constantly improve their teachings. If the teachers could build faith for the students, naturally it was easy to cultivate them both knowledge ability in the subject matter and morality. Thus, the teachers must have spirituality of being teachers. Because the spirituality of teachers was reflected in the teaching behaviors of them as well as in every manner of their performances. Spiritual teaching behaviors of teachers could be considered from 3 main points: personality of teachers, knowledge and teaching behaviors.

          Conceptual education, the theory of teaching behavior proposed by educators and scholars would be a guide to the development of teaching behaviors so that the teachers who had the potential of being spiritual could be successful in the teaching and learning management modernized according to the worlddisruption in the 21st century. In addition, the use of Brain - based learning concepts combinedwith the Synectics Strategy was another way to develop the learners to be good and talented as well. In this regard , the author had studied and led to the experiment and found that the achievement in teaching and learning activities achieved the satisfactory objectives.

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How to Cite
Lapho, J. (2020). TEACHING BEHAVIORS OF TEACHERS AND LEARNING OF STUDENTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(5), 34–45. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/243125
Academic Article


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