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Phrakru Sopanarattanabanthit
Phrakru Wutisakhontam


Development of quality of life in accordance with Buddhist philosophy Intended for trainers to gain benefits from the beginning. By taking action Know the principles of good behavior towards the external environment which is called organic compilations are the accumulation of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind so that they can be used as the basis of precepts, namely the intention to abstain from physical evils and the intent to abstain from verbal evils. This is called good behavioral development. Which is a way that develops the mind have a good idea and helps to create intelligence That flourish in order to develop behavior that is not persecuted but is behavior that is supportive basic human needs In order to develop the body, speech and mind to be able to think make decisions, solve problems, and adjust to be able to live life correctly and appropriately In the dharma spoke of being physically, mentally healthy, and long-lived, who gave him nutrition in respect a suitable time for the people consume the nutrients others give the name is given to give 4 statuses: age, caste, sooka and physical education. Being physically strong and free from illness. Have good mental health it can be seen that health is not just physical and mental only. But also to happily adapt to society should always maintain our health In order to have a happy mind, joyful, compassionate, conscious, and good quality of life, there must be physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, age, existence, progress, movement, possibility, and maintenance of life. To use various skills Including role playing in society with the development of quality of life in accordance with Buddhist philosophy.

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How to Cite
Phrakru Sopanarattanabanthit, & Phrakru Wutisakhontam. (2020). BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF QUALITY OF LIFE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(5), 21–33. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/243124
Academic Article


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