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Araya Wachiraphan
Chanthima Chuaichum


Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder, the primary treatment is the use of antiepileptic drug. If the behavior of the patient is often poor medication adherence such as over use of medication, under use of medication, inappropriate time to use medication, use the technique of drug administration, drug misuse, and drugs other than those prescribed. The causes of poor medication adherence that is patient, s own, disease, antiepileptic drug, other causes. Selection Tool used to evaluate the medication adherence must be appropriate to the patient's disease. Nurse roles of promoting medication adherence. Start by relationship with patients, guidelines for prevention of forgetting antiepileptic drug, knowledge about the disease, antiepileptic drug, and side effects of the drug. Consistent with the lifestyle of patients and their families is important.

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How to Cite
Wachiraphan , A. ., & Chuaichum , C. . (2020). PROMOTING MEDICATION ADHERENCE IN PATIENTS WITH EPILEPSY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(3), 1–14. retrieved from
Academic Article


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