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Phrakru Udompawananusit (Sathien Chanruam )
Phrakru Wichitsilajarn .
Sitthichok Panasree


This thesis entitled ‘An analytical study of the method of insight development of Phakhrubhãvanãnusãsaka (Pan Dhammadharo)’ has three objectives: 1) to study the methods of insight development of as appeared in Theravada Buddhist scriptures, 2) to study the method of insight development of Phakhrubhãvanãnusãsaka (Pan Dhammadharo), and 3) to analyze the method of insight development of Phakhrubhãvanãnusãsaka (Pan Dhammadharo). This is a qualitative research focusing on documentary analysis and the content analysis is also done by descriptive method.

          In the research, it was found that: 1) According to the principle of insight development, it basically refers to the guideline for the mediation practice based on four foundations of mindfulness as follows: 1) contemplation of the body, 2) contemplation of the feeling, 3) contemplation of mind, and 4) contemplation of mind-objects. 2) In teaching the insight development given by Phakhrubhãvanãnusãsaka (Pan Dhammadharo), it showed that he based his teaching method on four foundations of mindfulness where mindfulness and wisdom are volitionally used to contemplate on corporeality, abstract and mind-objects based on the body, feeling, mind and mind-objects as they really are. Consequently, one can have insight of all states of nature that it is impermanent, suffering, and non-self. 3) As far as the method in teaching insight development given by Phakhrubhãvanãnusãsaka (Pan Dhammadharo) according to four foundations of mindfulness is concerned, it showed that while instructing he laid great emphasis on four kinds of posture: the first posture refers to ‘sitting meditation’ done under the posture of insight development where one is contemplating while sitting meditation through clear comprehension of stretching in and out by which mindfulness is fixed at the end of figure, the second posture refers to ‘standing mediation’ done under the posture of insight development while standing meditation, the third posture refers to ‘walking mediation’ done under the posture of insight development while walking mediation, the fourth posture refers to ‘sleeping mediation’ done under the posture of insight development. The strong point of the mentioned method.

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How to Cite
(Sathien Chanruam ), P. U. ., ., P. W. ., & Panasree , S. . (2020). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE METHOD OF INSIGHT DEVELOPMENT OF PHAKHRUBHÃVANÃNUSÃSAKA (PAN DHAMMADHARO). Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(2), 67–81. retrieved from
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