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Phra Thiradet Tejadhammo (Hiran)


This research entitled ‘Guidelines to Develop Indriyasaṁvara of Newly Ordained monks in the Present Thai Society’ has three objectives: 1) to study the states of problem of newly ordained monks in the present Thai society, 2) to study the methods to develop Indriyasaṁvara in accordance with Theravada Buddhism, and 3) to propose the guidelines to develop Indriyasaṁvara of newly ordained monks in the present Thai society.

          In the research, it was found that: 1) It showed that many problems were as old as they ever happened in all eras, that is: 1) most of newly ordained monks lack forbearance; they were stubborn, 1.2) they were not moderate in taking food, 1.3) they could not stop falling in love of women, and 1.4) they enjoyed unlimited accommodation. 1.2) It showed that etymologically the word ‘Indriyasaṁvara’ means restraint, guarding six sense-based faculties: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind through one’s mindfulness when one is in contact with any kind of emotion. When one’s mind moment is present then Indriyasaṁvara arises. It is strongly said that such Indriyasaṁvara becomes extremely important factors for newly ordained monks where foundation could be established for those who just enter the Order leading to higher cultivation of Buddhist teachings. 3) As far as the guidelines to develop the Indriyasaṁvara of newly ordained monks in the present Thai society are concerned, it becomes necessary for them to have a proper preparation starting from the beginning till the last, being simple to difficult. They should begin with restraints of six sense-bases-faculties through certain formation and guidelines where mindfulness, forbearance and effort in practicing this technique are given. Under these steps, they could make a progress and thereby perfect mindfulness could be achieved resulting in perfect wisdom respectively.

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How to Cite
Tejadhammo (Hiran), P. T. . (2020). GUIDELINES TO DEVELOP INDRIYASAṀVARA OF NEWLY ORDAINED MONKS IN THE PRESENT THAI SOCIETY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(1), 30–41. retrieved from
Research Articles


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