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The purposes of the research were 1) to study the components of the cooperative network for educational development. 2) To create and evaluate strategy for creating a cooperative network in private schools and 3) to create new models and knowledge about strategies for creating cooperative networks in private schools. This was integrated research methods such as quantitative and questionnaires were used for simple sampling. The sample group such as administrators and teacher personnel of private schools in Chonburi total of 357 persons and Qualitative interviews with a Purposive selection. Key Information such as 1) educational supervisor 2) scholar and 3) school manager (PhD) total of 20 persons by using Delphi analysis such as measuring the central tendency include mode, median and mean. Data distribution measurement was quartile range, in order to get the composition and the process of creating a network of cooperation in private schools in Chonburi Province and lead to a conclusion for explaining the phenomena that occurred in this research.
The study found that:
- The strategy of the collaboration network strategy of collaboration network, consisted of 6 components, such as: 1) the features of the collaboration network; 2) the scope and mission of educational management; 3) the administrative process of network; 4) the process of network empowerment;; 5) the good characteristics of network leaders 6) the technique in developing network members.
- Strategies for creating cooperative networks for educational development in private schools of Chonburi province including with 6 process : 1) the awareness of constructing the collaboration network 2) the coordination of network organization 3) the creation of commitment 4) the network management 5) the follow-up and the development of the network 6) the maintenance of continuous networking. The suitability and advantage of the strategy of collaboration network have been validated at a high level.
3. The model and new knowledge that mean creating a systematic operational network together and strengthening relationships with network partners using schools as a base. The creation of education networks is a management tool of modern society that is consistent with situations of all dimensions, for example, political, economic and social. Finally, the successful network management in schools consists of developing strategic plan. The network design accordance with the goal development of knowledge and skills of personnel and measurement and evaluation.
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