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พระสิทธิสิงหเสนี (โสภณ โสภโณ)
พระครูโอภาสนนทกิตติ์ (ศักดา โอภาโส)
พระมหาเผด็จ จิรกุโล (จงสกุลศิริ)
วรีรัตน์ ศรีสถิตย์วัฒนา


The research entitled: the model in driving agricultural sufficiency economy philosophy according to Buddhadhamma of Nakhonphanom Province, aims: 1) to study the condition of model of agricultural sufficiency economy philosophy of Nakhonphanom Province; 2) to develop a model in driving agricultural sufficiency economy philosophy of Nakhonphanom Province according to Buddhadhamma; and 3) to present the model in driving agricultural sufficiency economy philosophy of Nakhonphanom Province according to Buddhadhamma. It was a Qualitative Research by in-depth interviews with 19 Key-Informants and Focus Group Discussion of 8 experts. The tools used in the research were an interview-form as well as focus group discussion. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis, presents descriptive data, categorization and systematic synthesis. And finally, it was to find common issues and explain by writing in essay



          The findings of the research as follows:

  1. The movement of sufficiency economy principle in agricultural sector, in the agriculture office in Nakhonphanom province gives the support the policy from monoculture to integrated planting , will help distribute the risk of low prince of agricultural products by planting the integrated plants that will help the entrepreneurs of modern farmers get the success and sustainability.

  2. The model development of modern farmers matches with seven national strategies and eight provincial strategies by 1) relying on agricultural entrepreneurs, 2) to develop the area which changes the monoculture , 3) to support to plant the integrated planing, 4) to develop the knowledge for agricultural aspect and integrate with Buddhadhamma.

          3. The model for movement of sufficiency economy principle in agricultural sector according to Buddhadhamma as following model 1) the integrated learning model, 2) the Buddhist market management, 3) the media of agricultural products distribution 4. To develop the agricultural model to Buddhist ethics of the best sampled sufficiency economy.

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(โสภณ โสภโณ) พ., (ศักดา โอภาโส) พ., จิรกุโล (จงสกุลศิริ) พ., & ศรีสถิตย์วัฒนา ว. (2020). THE MODEL IN DRIVING AGRICULTURAL SUFFICIENCY ECONOMIC PHILOSOPHY ACCORDING TO BUDDHADHAMMA OF NAKHONPHANOM PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5441–5457. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

พระครูโอภาสนนทกิตติ์ (ศักดา โอภาโส), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University




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