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พิชญาภรณ์ บัวสระ
ธนกฤต ทุริสุทธิ์
กฤตติกา แสนโภชน์


                   The objectives of this research were 1) to study problems and demands on value addition to local fabrics products of Nongbualamphu textile group. 2) to study the value-adding strategies to local fabrics products., and 3) to test and summary results of value-adding strategies to local fabrics products. This is Mixed Method Research between quantitative and qualitative research, there were 3 terms of research as the objectives of this research, the first step was interviewing 18 informants by using a semi-structured questionnaire and analyze information by using Percentage, Frequency, Mean, and standard deviation. The next step was determining strategies and assessing strategy by 13 professionals and used statistical averages, the last step was a target group of 30 people by using quantitative assessment and content analysis.

          The result of this research:

  1.  the problems and demands on value addition to local fabrics products of Nongbualamphu textile group in the overview are at a high level. The researcher analyzed the results of 4 issues, there was products, services, staffs and image to become to the value-adding strategies to local fabrics products.

  2. the result of determining strategies to increase the value of local fabrics products of Nongbualamphu textile group by 4 topics, there was 1) upgrading the fabrics products to international standards. 2) One-Stop Service 3) Improving staff’s skills to legal age 4) Promoting the image of the local textile group.

          3. the results of using the value-adding strategies to local fabrics products of Nongbualamphu textile                group by using the issue of promoting the image of the local textile group for testing in an activity of                PaaThohMaadMee KitBanNonNgam group to find the image of fabrics products. The results were 4                  topics 1) Fabrics and design 2) The traditional way of weaving 3) Fabric Color 4) Textile innovations

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How to Cite
บัวสระ พ., ทุริสุทธิ์ ธ., & แสนโภชน์ ก. (2020). STRATEGIES TO INCREASE THE VALUE ADDED OF LOCAL WOVEN FABRICS NONGBUALAMPHU PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5259–5271. retrieved from
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