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อัครพงศ์ กรมพลาศักดิ์


            The objectives of this research were to study 1) the problems and obstacles that limiting the factors of the potential development of Thai rice export industry; 2) the reasons why the executives aim to develop the potential of Thai rice export industry in the future; and 3) the model of potential development strategies for Thai rice export industry. This study was a Mixed method research which were a quantitative and qualitative research. For the quantitative research, the study sample was selected from 48 executives who are the members of the “Thai Rice Exporters Association” in 2019. The data were collected by the questionnaire. This was guaranteed by reliable cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.98). For qualitative research, it was conducted by in-depth interviewing 7 experts. These data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (ratio, means, standard deviation, and discriminant hierarchical analysis by stepwise)

          The research results have indicated that 1) the limitations of potential development of Thai rice export industry are cost of production and people, technology, and exist resource management. In addition, the obstacles are the irrigation system, conditions of competitive market and intense price competition; 2) most Thai rice exporters aim to enhance the competitive capabilities of Thai rice export in order to increase sales and profits in the future. 3) the potential development of Thai rice export consists of Standard factor, Network and Alliance factor, Innovation factor, Skill factor, and Strategy factor. According to this result, 2 models of potential development for Thai rice export industry were created to classify sales growth rate and profits growth rate. The original grouped cases correctly classified by 95.8 % and 100 % respectively. The equation and picture were used to create tool for developing the potential of industry as its shown in this strategy. This is called the 4+1 strategy to increace the rate of sales growth and profit growth. in future.

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How to Cite
กรมพลาศักดิ์ อ. (2019). THE POTENTAIL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES FOR THE THAI RICE EXPORT INDUSTRY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(9), 4645–4657. retrieved from
Research Articles


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